Tornado van succes: de doorbraak van de Harlem Shake in 2013

🌪️ The Harlem Shake craze took the world by storm in 2013, becoming one of the biggest viral sensations of the year. What started as a simple dance move quickly escalated into a global phenomenon, with people from all walks of life creating their own versions of the Harlem Shake video.

The Birth of a Viral Sensation

🎉 The Harlem Shake first gained prominence when a video uploaded by Australian filmmaker Filthy Frank went viral, featuring a group of people dancing wildly to the song “Harlem Shake” by Baauer. The infectious beat coupled with the ridiculous dance moves captured the attention of internet users everywhere, leading to an explosion of remixes and parodies.

A Worldwide Movement

🌎 The Harlem Shake craze quickly spread like wildfire, with everyone from celebrities to sports teams jumping on the bandwagon and creating their own versions of the dance video. The meme even made its way into the political realm, with politicians and government agencies getting in on the action.

The Power of Social Media

💻 The success of the Harlem Shake can be attributed to the power of social media, with platforms like YouTube and Twitter allowing the videos to reach a massive audience in a short amount of time. The viral nature of the craze generated millions of views and shares, propelling it to mainstream success.

Legacy of the Harlem Shake

🌟 Despite the Harlem Shake craze eventually fizzling out, its impact on pop culture cannot be denied. The viral sensation paved the way for other dance trends and challenges to take over the internet, proving the influence of social media in shaping popular culture.


🎶 The Harlem Shake of 2013 will forever be remembered as a tornado of success that took the world by storm. Its infectious energy and widespread appeal showcased the power of viral content in today’s digital age, leaving a lasting legacy in the annals of internet history.